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Spring Lake Levels - 4/23/2020

Below is lake level update from the Chisago County Lake Improvement District.

The Chisago Lakes Channel & Weir system is being actively managed according to the guidelines established in the 2016 Channel & Weir – Operations & Maintenance Plan. A copy of the plan can be found at:

Since late March, Lake Improvement District staff along with the LID engineer have been conducting weekly inspections of the channel & weir system. Inspection reports from previous years can be found at

Lake level elevations from previous years can be found at

Here are the highlights of yesterday’s (April 23, 2020) inspection

Lofton Weir. According to the Operation and Maintenance plan both the high and low weir control gates are to be open when the water level at North Lindstrom Lake exceeds 899.2. Yesterday, the water level of Chisago/North Lindstrom/South Lindstrom is 899.32.  The high and low weir gates were opened on April 2nd.  The weir is to remain open until Chisago/North Lindstrom/South Lindstrom water levels are lowered to 898.7. 

North Lindstrom Lake. A water level gauge is located on North Lindstrom Lake. The water level elevation at this gauge yesterday was 899.32 (per 2019 DNR gauge calibration). This elevation is a good representation of the water levels of Chisago/South Lindstrom/North Lindstrom Lakes. The Ordinary High Water level of these lakes is 900.2. The lakes are 0.88 feet below OHW.

Paradise Park Weir. This weir is a fixed cable concrete weir that drains Chisago Lake into Wallmark Lake under high water conditions. The weir has a permanent outlet elevation of 899.2. The water level was one inch over the weir. Water is flowing from Chisago Lake over the weir toward Wallmark Lake.

Lake Ellen Weir. The weir is to be open during the open water season when Little Green Lake water levels exceed 891.0. The weir was initially opened on March 26th. Water is flowing through the weir into Swamp Lake. Unless downstream issues arise, it is anticipated the weir will remain open until fall.  The water level at the weir yesterday was 891.30.

Little Green Lake. The water level gauge for Little Green Lake is currently not available.  The Little Green Lake elevation is similar to Lake Ellen.  Lake Ellen is currently at 891.30.

South Center Lake. The water level gauge for South Center Lake is currently not available.  Updates will be provided once the gauge is installed and calibrated.  Water is flowing through the channel between North Center and North Lindstrom Lakes.  The water levels of North/South Center Lakes are similar to the levels of North/South Lindstrom/Chisago Lakes.  North Lindstrom Lake elevation is currently at 899.32.  The Ordinary High Water level of North & South Center Lakes is 900.2. The lakes are 0.88 feet below OHW.

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