Center Lakes Lake Association, in partnership with the Lower St Croix Watershed
Partnership, is hosting a FREE “Navigate to a Cleaner Lake” open house event.
Door prizes will be available!
Navigate to a Cleaner Lake is designed to offer local lakeshore owners a casual opportunity
to learn about local lake health, how to improve water quality, shoreline landscaping
practices, aquatic invasive species and the local lake community.
Several state and local organizations have already committed to joining us, including Minnesota Lakes & Rivers Advocates, Chisago County, Chisago County Soil and Water Conservation District, Landscape Alternatives, Native Plant Restorations, and several lakeshore owners who have made a difference on their own lakeshores.
Free registration required at: https://www.centerlakes.org/nav-to-a-cleaner-lake
Saturday, May 20, 2023
2:00 PM 4:00 PM
Uncommon Loon Brewery 10825 Lake Boulevard Chisago City, MN, 55013