The CLA is entering into a new partnership! The goal? More trees, please!
The Chisago County Soil and Water Conservation District is holding its annual plant sale, starting now until April 11th , or when supplies are exhausted. Don't delay in ordering your trees and shrubs online now!
Participants can pay for trees and shrubs and pick them up in April.
Current CLA members will be eligible for a partial reimbursement for plants purchased and
planted from the sale. Purchased plants will be available for pick up in April (see
www.chisagoswcd.org for pick up details). CLA members can retain a copy of their
paper/electronic receipt. Receipts can be shown at the annual spring meeting in order to receive a $5 reimbursement.
Trees and shrubs play a key role in lake health. The root systems prevent shoreline erosion, help filter harmful substances from groundwater, and provide habitat for insects and small animals, a vital part of the food chain.
Visit www.chisagoswcd.org to order now or call 651-674-2333.
***Limit one reimbursement per household***