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MN DNR seeking input on future funding

Jeff Forester and the Minnesota DNR have reached out to CLA, seeking input from our members. We ask that you take a moment to read their request and provide feedback to help protect our beautiful lakes:


Over the last decade there has been a well documented increase in use of Minnesota's natural resources by Minnesotans. The last two years we saw an estimated 30% increase in the number of boaters out on the lakes and this was mirrored in State Park attendance, county parks and even the Boundary Waters Wilderness.

Minnesotans are loving their beautiful outdoors and that is a very good thing.

Not only are more people getting outdoors to recreate, but the activities they pursue are broader and more diverse with burgeoning interest in bird watching, mushroom picking, snow shoeing, cross country skiing, hiking and other activities. This increase in users of our natural areas has come even as the numbers of hunters and anglers decrease.

Traditionally, much of the MN DNR budget for wildlife, fish stocking, and habitat projects has come from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses. The decrease in these activities, combined with increased costs due to a host of factors, has put into question the DNR's ability to do its work into the future.

MN DNR is seeking public input on future funding structures for the agency.

As a key stakeholder they need to hear from you. Click the image to the left to weigh in and receive future updates on this discussion.

In every institution, budget drives focus. Already our lakes are underfunded. Every lake shore owner has gotten appeals for philanthropic giving to support Aquatic Invasive Species programs, fish stocking, water quality projects and the like.

A study by Concordia College, Moorhead found that Lake Associations already contribute over $6.25 million in charitable giving to support our lakes. As DNR budgets fall due to a decline in fishing license sales, more burden will fall on local revenue sources.

The MN DNR needs to hear from citizens as to what the future of the agency will be, how to fund their efforts on our behalf. This discussion will be ongoing and your engagement at this point will make a difference in finding a fair and productive outcome.

Use the button above to sign up for updates and see the discussion that is occurring. There is a space for you to ask a question or offer an opinion.

MLR will be participating in this ongoing discussion. We expect this will be central to the 2022 DNR Roundtable and to listening sessions across the state. So make your voice heard now. As things progress we will make sure to keep you informed.

Stay warm everyone - and you lucky snowbirds, stay cool,

Jeff Forester

MN Lakes and Rivers Advocates


CLA Sponsors

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