Though pretty to look at, it is an aquatic invasive species in Minnesota. It is Purple
loosestrife, an extremely invasive plant which crowds out native plants that are essential
to the lake's ecosystem. A mature plant can produce up to 2.7 million seeds per year
and the seeds can lay dormant up to 20 years!
The Purple loosestrife population has exploded this year on North Center. Since the
Center Lakes Association cannot go onto private property to treat this aquatic invasive,
it falls to the landowner to treat it. If the shore land owner ignores it, it can become an
unmanageable and costly problem. From July to freeze is when Purple loosestrife
blooms, so it is an excellent time to spot and deal with any infestations.
Need help identifying it?
Email the Center Lakes Association at
Or, call your favorite board member! A CLA volunteer detector will come and verify the
plant. They will also discuss treatment options with you and direct you to helpful
Interested in doing more about the Purple loosestrife problem?
The CLA is looking into treatment options and funding sources with local agencies. We are looking for interested volunteers to join along in the process. We are here to help, and you can help, too!